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Monday, August 10, 2009

Drive to Vermont, Strike 2.

If you're a dedicated reader to this blog, you surely remember that a couple of weeks ago I made the trek to the Northeast Kingdom, hoping to ride some of the best trails in East only to be thwarted by torrential rain. Well, I gave good ol' Vermont another shot last week with about the same result.

I checked the weather all day prior to my road trip. I even double checked at 5:00am that morning, before my departure. All indications were that rain would be moving in late in the afternoon. I figured I had plenty of time to get up to VT and hit the trailhead by 10ish and get a good 3hr ride in.

When I hit rain in southern New Hampshire, I thought that I'd drive through it by the time I hit the White Mountains. When the rain didn't stop, I thought that once I got through Franconia Notch, I'd see clear skies. Sadly, my optimism disappeared when I was still driving through a deluge in Littleton, NH. I had another reason to go to Vermont, so I continued on to my wooded acres in East Burke.

That's right, there's been more action! We now actually have someplace of our very own to park and three stairs that, for now, go nowhere.

I've got to get some more work done on my perimeter trail and then eventually build my tent-deck... Rome wasn't built in a day, right?

Anyway, no work was done on this particular day. I essentially packed my bike and gear into the car, drove it all to Vermont, parked in my new parking lot, turned around, and drove home. Thankfully, my iPod kept me from going insane.

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