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Monday, March 14, 2011

Buenos Dias!

Okay, Jean and I just got back from Spain, and the day-to-day mania of our regular lives has already begun. I won't bore you with the details, but I will say that I'm looking forward to spending some quality time with Adobe Lightroom and sifting through my nearly 1000 photos from the trip!

In a nutshell, the trip was great. We flew into the coastal city of Malaga, then spent a couple of days at an amazing B&B called Tapa Luz. More details on this, and everything else on the trip later, but for now, know that Tapa Luz served absolutely amazing food.

Anyway, we did some riding on the awesome roads in the area and then headed up to El Paraje, in the Sierra Nevada mountains, outside of small mountain village called Berchules. Again, an awesome place with great food and incredible views. Jean and I did some hiking and mountain biking, but then, the rain, which is supposed to stay mainly on the plains, invaded the mountains and put the kibosh on more outdoorsy activities. The problem wasn't just the rain, but that it was also just above freezing. If it was 70-degrees F and raining, that would have been fine, but mid to high 30's... no thanks.

We took advantage of the down time to do some actual relaxing (I think I took a nap even), and then headed to Granada, staying at Gar Anat. All that time I spent Googling different places to stay in Spain really paid off because this place was killer too. Driving in Granada was an experience. I navigated my little rental car down "roads" that were barely alleys, and more than once we thought we were simply going to get stuck. It was challenging and fun, and I'm happy to report no collisions with walls, cars, scooters or pedestrians. Some time in the Hammam, then some time in the Alhambra, and our Granada time was nearly up.

Back to Malaga for a bike tour of the city, the Picasso Museum, some more good food, and then our return flight to the states.

To be honest, I wasn't sure if we were actually going to make it home. I thought that with the crossing of all the different time zones and international borders on the day Daylight Savings Time starts in the US, we might slip into some type of Dali-esque clock shaped worm hole, only to emerge when the clocks were turned back. Alas, that was not the case. Jean and I made it home, and back to work we go!

Many more photos coming!

1 comment:

proyecto tricosol malaga said...

Hi from Malaga! Nice blog and very interesting to read your experience. Next time please visit us, too. we are bike2malaga Team, you can find us on www.biketoursmalaga.com

see you here again or in Buenos Aires:)